Join The Monthly Call For Life: Congratulations Charmaine Yoest!

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Congratulations Charmaine Yoest!

Charmaine Yoest was honored today by being selected as one of the 12 "Evangelical Women of the Year 2005" by the Concerned Women of America.

CWFA Article

What does the mainstream media believe represents great virtues in a woman?

"Jane highlights a 29-year-old-woman who makes her own clothes so that she doesn't patronize sweatshops and a 28-year-old who cooks without supporting industrial hog farms. Another "extraordinary" woman doesn't date anyone who shops at WalMart. A 23-year-old won't kiss a guy who eats meat or smokes."
CWA has different ideas about what makes a woman stand out.

CWA set out to find women whose contributions make the world a better place and we had a very difficult time narrowing down to a dozen choices. Our women range in age, locale, occupation and in numerous other ways are very different from each other, but they all share a commitment to Biblical Christianity and all are pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-family. These are women whose deep faith is reflected in their priorities, their lifestyles and in their contributions to the world around them.
I think their standards are a little higher than those seeking "great" women who can eat the most hot dogs.

Dr. Charmaine Yoest - creator of the Blog "Reasoned Audacity" and Vice President of External Relations, Family Research Council

Charmaine Yoest holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Virginia, is a wife and the mother of five children. One of three bloggers selected this year to track the One campaign (celebrities against poverty) including attending and reporting on the Live 8 event in Ireland. "Reasoned Audacity" -- politics in real life --was a finalist in the recent best in the blogosphere competition.
Charmaine is also part of the team.


For those of you who don't know, the first annual Blogs4Life conference will be held on the morning of the March for Life in Washington D.C. on the 23rd of January. She helped put together the project, along with Peter from MarchTogether and Time from ProLifeblogs, and is a Senior Fellow at the Family Research Council, who is hosting the event.

Congratulations Dr. Charmaine Yoest!
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