Join The Monthly Call For Life: Washington D.C. & Falls Church, Virginia Friday & Saturday After-Action Report

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Washington D.C. & Falls Church, Virginia Friday & Saturday After-Action Report

MarchTogether For Life
On Friday the 7th I was at the Supreme Court from noon till 2:00 pm with my sign, which I also used at the LifeGuard event on Saturday. The LifeGuard event is going to be the main focus of our local Saturday effort. As a matter of fact, we are going to help them close the faciliy at 900 S. Washington Street in Falls Church, Virginia. If you are local & want to participate, go to & fill out the online volunteer form, which is located on the right side. You don't have to print out & mail anything, just click, type & send.

If you want us to help get the word out about your event & want to organize your own, send us an email at

One of the best strategies is to just show the sign and look away from people so that they can focus on the words. Sometimes I make comments, like "choice is death", sometimes people stop & talk to me. Most interaction is positive with only the occasional rabid pro-abort who barks something silly. A couple in their late forties walked by. They were smiling as the woman said something that I didn't understand. I asked her to repeat what she said which she did. She said "the day that you have the ability to carry a baby in the womb is the day that you will have the right to say something about abortion". I laughed & said "I have the right to speak for the child that people want to kill". The man made some rude comment to which I replied, in a friendly way, "have a nice day". He flipped me off & they left.

On Saturday my wife & I participated in the event in Falls Church. Ruby has made this event into a Novena ( but instead of the usual 9 days she has spread it out over 9 weeks, once a week at the 900 S. Washington Street abortion mill.

All together there were almost 30 Pro-Life people there, gathered in prayer for the unborn. Photographs

Join us or start your own events. Go to There you can fill out the volunteer form or find more information on how you can get involved.

Speak for the unborn. Show up for the unborn. They only have us.

United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on
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