This weeks
Pro-Life Blogger Interview is with Jill Stanek. Jill has been an inspiration to me ever since I first saw her determination to do more than just talk about how bad abortion is. Her efforts have no doubt saved many lives.
Her outcry against infantice and injustice against the unborn in America has influenced many people in government. Here are some of the ways her actions have directly influenced American policy towards the unborn:
> was asked to testify before a U.S. House committee in
2000 and
2001 for the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.
> was invited by President George W. Bush for his August 2002 signing of the
Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which will protect live aborted children from infanticide.
> was also asked to his signing of invitation when he signed the signed the
Partial Birth Abortion Ban in November 2003, which will protect partially delivered babies from being killed by abortion (if the Supreme Court lets it stand). is proud to present, Mrs Jill Stanek
Q - What is your Pro-Life project/blog to help end abortion? (brief bio)
A - It is: I'm also invited to blog on and
I'm also a weekly columnist for
As a female pro-lifer who is also a nurse, I have unusual insight into the pro-life issue. My professional background and personality have melded to mold my writing style, which is clean (I obsessively edit myself), somewhat sans emotion and embellishment, blunt, and sometimes acerbic. Voila, there is my niche.
Q - How and when did you become involved in the proLife movement, and did something happen to you or someone you know which helped you recognize that abortion is wrong?
A - See attached bio. (Editor's note -
Click here for the link to Jill's online bio)
Q - Do you believe all abortions are wrong? (Explain)
A - Yes, except for a genuine "life of the mother" scenario. The only modern day "life of the mother" situation I'm aware of is ectopic pregnancy. If it truly comes down to it, I advocate saving one life over losing two.
Q - How does God fit in your project?
A - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind [is] the first and greatest commandment," according to Jesus (Matthew 22:37-38). I often fall short, but I strive for that foremost.
Scripture also teaches that God has plans for us (Jeremiah 1:5; Ephesians 2:10). So every day that I wake up, I know He has more for me to do. I pray He will show me how to help Him (Amos 3:7). At this time, I believe God wants me involved in the pro-life movement. This is the area He has given me a passion.
Q - Where do you see the Pro-Life movement headed?
A - The pro-life movement might have been launched to stop abortion, but we are only now beginning to understand it is needed on a much grander scale. The need for our movement actually began 200 years ago when Robert Maltus introduced his theory of overpopulation. The thinking that to save lives we must expend lives is now deeply ingrained in the world culture and will be hard to shake. It has and will manifest itself in other ways aside from abortion. Eugenics, euthanasia, embryo destruction, and contraception are just some other examples. The notion that we can disband and go home if and when Roe v. Wade is overturned is naïve.
Q - Do you believe we will end abortion, and if so when? (Explain)
A - I believe we will see an end to legalized abortion. I don't know when, but it's sooner rather than later.
Q - What would you like to say to those who might share a common bond with your ideals and methods, and what can people who read this interview do to help your project and/or end abortion?
A - I don't think I have any new thoughts here. I agree with other thinkers in our movement that we must do more than say "God says so" when speaking against abortion. We must arm ourselves with knowledge and persuasive abilities. I believe we must professionalize our movement - do all our work with excellence. I believe incrementalism works (although I the standard bearers are absolutely necessary). I believe education is our greatest concern. I believe in the use of graphic pictures when appropriate. I believe that loving people isn't necessarily the same as being nice, i.e., talking about abortion won't necessarily win friends, so we have to be
willing to be disliked. I believe we must all support each other's particular work in the pro-life movement. Some focus on changing legislation. Some focus on education. Some focus on activism. Some focus on different areas, like euthanasia. It's all related, and it's all good.
Q - Do you agree with embryonic stem cell research? What about birth-control?
A - No, and no. I say the latter as a Protestant. I believe BC is wrong more than because some of its forms cause abortions. I believe the mentality behind BC is wrong.
Q - What Blogs do you read?
A - I don't have time for many. I read and hyperlinks its stories lead to.
I also read two Illinois blogs about Illinois politics. As I said earlier, I write for one of them, and it has been extremely rewarding. The
"Illinoize" blog ( is a recent addition to the blogosphere, launched by a liberal reporter as a meeting place for Illinois political bloggers. He invited me to be a participant. At this point, Illinoize is read mostly by liberals. Therefore, comments on my posts can get intense (some, downright nasty!), but they are very intellectually stimulating. Many readers have never before heard some of what I say.
Q - What advice would you give to other bloggers who would like to expand their audience and influence of their weblog?
A - I'm not one to give advice here, because I wouldn't take my own. Blogging often is good, but I don't have time for that. Reading and hyperlinking and backtracking to other blogs is also good, but I don't have time for that either. I honestly don't know how people keep up with all this!
The one piece of advice I've given myself lately that I'm trying to take is to find a niche for my blog, since I'm the only one behind the curtain, and I can't devote myself to it full-time. This is my only solution to the overwhelming volume of information and battles to fight. Bloggers like Michelle Malkin who produce an incredible amount of work have help.
Q - What is the focus of your pro-life blogging activities?
A - Because I'm not one who can keep up with it all, lately I've been focusing my blogging on more Illinois-related pro-life topics. The field is rich, since politicos and newspapers in this state are hostile to our worldview. I blog on my weekly column, too.
Q - Do you believe blogging is making a difference in the battle for the pre-born?
Yes, I am enthusiastic on the potential for blogging to make a difference in the pro-life battle. At the very least, we now have recourse to biased MSM stories and columns and anti-life politicians. Having a blog is a great psychological outlet for me. Soon, if not already, we will have enough pro-life bloggers to create swarms. I am absolutely captivated and animated by this medium.
Q - Have you heard of, a Pro-Life effort to unite all Pro-Life people once a month in order to send out a united message to our representatives to encourage them to end abortion?
Q - Yes, I've heard of it and think it's a fantastic idea.
Final wordsI take great comfort in Genesis 50:20, "Even though you planned evil against me, God planned good to come out of it. This was to keep many people alive."
End of Interview
Thank you Jill,
I believe your Bio & words have touched a lot of lives. You have helped people understand what the word "abortion" means and how the culture of death needs to be challenged. You are a great example of how we have a responsibility to speak up against injustice when we see it. The unborn don't have a voice, they only have on more Illinois-related pro-life topics. The field is rich, since politicos and newspapers in this state are hostile to our worldview. I blog on my weekly column, too.
13) Do you believe blogging is making a difference in the battle for the pre-born?
Yes, I am enthusiastic on the potential for blogging to make a difference in the pro-life battle. At the very least, we now have recourse to biased MSM stories and columns and anti-life politicians. Having a blog is a great psychological outlet for me. Soon, if not already, we will have enough pro-life bloggers to create swarms. I am absolutely captivated and animated by this medium.
14) Have you heard of, a Pro-Life effort to unite all Pro-Life people once a month in order to send out a united message to our representatives to encourage them to end abortion?
Yes, I've heard of it and think it's a fantastic idea.
15) Final words
I take great comfort in Genesis 50:20, "Even though you planned evil against me, God planned good to come out of it. This was to keep many people alive."
End of Interview
Thank you Jill,
I believe your Bio & words have touched a lot of lives. You have helped people understand what the word "abortion" means and how the culture of death needs to be challenged. You are a great example of how we have a responsibility to speak up against injustice when we see it. The unborn don't have a voice, they only have us.
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